A month ago I decided to sit down to read my devotion and pray with a bible I hadn’t used in a few years. I hadn’t thought about this bible in a long time and it wasn’t always my favorite and one I stopped reaching for. I honestly don’t know what made me sit down with that particular bible that day but when I opened it up the message that was being sent was clear.
In the middle of this particular bible is a section entitled Gardens in the Bible. It lists all of the flowers, fruits, vegetables, bitter herbs, and herbs as well as what their usage was and the scripture in which they are mentioned. I have to say I sat there for a few minutes absolutely in shock….why you may ask? Because I had been wrestling for months about restarting Project Going Green. I had prayed so much about it and as I sat down that day the message was clear……Share your knowledge and mine. It was a very incredible moment in my life! I spent a week rebuilding the site and as they say the rest is history!
I have decided that it would be interesting to delve deeper into the plants and oils of the bible. To see how they were used then and what we use them for today. So join me on this journey, a series…….Plants and Oils of the Bible.