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An Easy Way to Greening Your Life

Going Green really isn’t that hard to do.  There are so many changes you can make that are free or cost little money.  Just like any positive change you make in your life, baby steps are always the key.  This way you don’t get overwhelmed and can ensure better success at obtaining the goal….living a greener lifestyle.  I know you have probably heard of some or all of these suggestions before but I am going to list them here for just ideas. Remember 1 small change can make a huge impact.

  1. Become a “better aware consumer”
  2. Read labels 
  3. Stay away from certain chemicals and preservatives
  4. Buy Fair Trade Products
  5. Buy more Natural and Organic products from food to skincare and household cleaners
  6. Support your local farmers by buying local fruits, vegetables, eggs etc.
  7. Eat more fresh foods and stay away from pre-packaged, preservative laden foods
  8. Consider a products packaging before you buy….is it too much?
  9. Turn out lights that aren’t in use
  10. Do more laundry on the cold cycle
  11. Line dry your laundry outside
  12. Buy Eco friendly clothing… isn’t as expensive as you think
  13. Carpool more often
  14. Walk more often
  15. Make your own compost bin….it truly is simple
  16. Stop the junk mail
  17. Get your statements online
  18. Pay your bills online
  19. Turn the water off while brushing your teeth
  21. Buy a water filter whether its a pitcher, bottle, or system for your house
  22. Replace old appliances with more energy saving ones….energy star rated.
  23. Make your own household cleaners……I will be posting more in depth about this soon
  24. Collect rainwater to water your gardens and grass
  25. Plant trees
  26. Decorate your home with live plants….they help clean the air 
  27. Use up your scrap paper
  28. Unplug appliances that are not being used
  29. Cut back on drinking bottled water….buy a reusable water bottle with a filter instead
  30. Use re-usable shopping bags 
  31. Support Green businesses and organizations
  32. Read Green Books
  33. Use rechargeable batteries
  34. Use cloth towels to clean with not paper…you will be amazed at how much you will save
  35. Reuse old clothing for things such as cleaning rags
  36. Donate old clothing
  37. Buy an Eco friendly car
  38. Turn off your computer while sleeping
  39. Plant your own organic garden whether its large or a small container one
  40. Share your knowledge of a green lifestyle with others

There are many, many more ways to go green and if you have any that are not listed feel free to put them in the comments.  

Remember when replacing things such as household cleaners, skincare, cosmetics etc.  do so as you run out of that product.  This way it doesn’t hurt your pocketbook all at once and you have time to research available products near you.

Living a greener lifestyle really is easy and makes so much sense.  Living Green brings you back to a much simpler way of life and is definitely worth it.

Believer in Jesus.......Wife......Mother.......Nurse......Dog Lover