Has been a very long time since I have sat behind a computer to write a blog post. I started Project Going Green back in 2011. I was suffering from rosacea and was getting frustrated that the products I was buying was making it worse. So I embarked on a research journey. I found the most amazing website called Skin Deep that the Environmental Working Group is in charge of. It was here that I looked up every ingredient listed on my skin care bottles and was blown away. Know wonder I was having such problematic skin. I then went and looked at everything in my house….household cleaning products, soaps, lotions, even food and I realized how toxic everything I was consuming in a day was to not only my body and my health but also to the environment.
So I took on a project…..a project to green everything in my house….hence the name Project Going Green. Life got in the way….my son had an accident and I went back to school for a degree I had always wanted and had put off the blog to raise my family so Project Going Green went on the back burner although I always knew one day I would revive it. So here I am….back with even more knowledge and even more products to try. I have also partnered with a health and wellness company and can’t wait to tell you about it.
I will be posting reviews on products….personal care items, household items, books, websites, magazines, research, natural recipes and projects that my family takes on. These reviews will be honest and may come from the viewpoints of not only me but my family. I will also be introducing subjects such as Ingredients 101 in which I will talk about the ingredients that are in our products and if they are safe or not. Another subject I am excited to bring you is Essential Oils 101 where you will learn about each oil and how it is helpful to your health and how to use it. I can’t wait to review the oils I have found from an amazing Essential Oils Company. So lets roll up our sleeves and get started as there is much to cover. I hope you enjoy Project Going Green! Please check back soon for new reviews and information that is helpful to not only you and your health but also to the environment.