• Plants and Oils of the Bible

    A month ago I decided to sit down to read my devotion and pray with a bible I hadn’t used in a few years. I hadn’t thought about this bible in a long time and it wasn’t always my favorite and one I stopped reaching for. I honestly don’t know what made me sit down with that particular bible that day but when I opened it up the message that was being sent was clear.

    In the middle of this particular bible is a section entitled Gardens in the Bible. It lists all of the flowers, fruits, vegetables, bitter herbs, and herbs as well as what their usage was and the scripture in which they are mentioned. I have to say I sat there for a few minutes absolutely in shock….why you may ask? Because I had been wrestling for months about restarting Project Going Green. I had prayed so much about it and as I sat down that day the message was clear……Share your knowledge and mine. It was a very incredible moment in my life! I spent a week rebuilding the site and as they say the rest is history!

    I have decided that it would be interesting to delve deeper into the plants and oils of the bible. To see how they were used then and what we use them for today. So join me on this journey, a series…….Plants and Oils of the Bible.

  • Pic Courtesy PubChem


    DMDM Hydantoin is a preservative that is used in the cosmetics industry and can be found in shampoos, conditioners, gel, and other skin care products.  DMDM Hydantoin is an “antimicrobial formaldehyde releaser preservative” as described on the Environmental Working Group’s website.

     The function of DMDM Hydantoin is to release small amounts of formaldehyde over the shelf life of a product. The formaldehyde that is released into the environment of the product becomes unstable to the organisms living in it.   This makes it hard for the product to become infected with bacteria, mold and other microorganisms.  However, formaldehyde is not healthy for humans.  It has been known to cause irritation of the eyes, skin, and even lungs as the formaldehyde is released into the air.  DMDM Hydantoin has also set off allergic responses in some people that have caused burning, itching, blistering and even scaling of the skin. In some countries like Japan, DMDM Hydantoin is prohibited to be used in certain cosmetics.  In the US, DMDM Hydantoin is only allowed to be used in a 0.2% concentration in cosmetics due to sensitivities to the chemical.  The claim is that at a concentration this low, it would be equivalent to the amount natural occurring formaldehyde given off by an apple. My question though is……how can we be sure that the amount used within the products we buy have those low amounts? An apple gives off natural occurring formaldehyde which is much different than the formaldehyde released from a synthetic man made chemical. To me they are not equal.

    I don’t know about you but I certainly do not want to use any product that contains formaldehyde.  Formaldehyde has its own purpose but being in my cosmetics is not one of them.

    For more information on DMDM Hydantoin and a list of products please visit:

  • Lavender

    Lavender is  one of my all time favorite flowers.  Not only are the flowers an incredible shade of purple, but the scent is just breath taking.  I am always looking for Lavender products when out shopping. There is just something about that smell. It is so soothing and calming not only to my senses but also to my soul.  That is why I thought it fitting to choose Lavender as the first post in the series Essential Oils 101.

    Lavender has been documented throughout history for over 2500 years.  The Romans used Lavender for all sorts of things such as bathing, cooking, and are credited for giving Lavender its name Lavare meaning to wash. Different cultures and peoples throughout history have used Lavender for many different things and it is still widely used today.

    Lavender essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the Lavender plant or Lavandula angustifolia through steam distillation from the flowering top.  The oil is used in many products including potpourri, skin care, soaps, food and even insect repellents.  My most favorite latte is a Vanilla Lavender. Its aroma is amazing as well as its taste. Lavender can be used not only to help treat skin aliments but can also be used for physical aliments such as respiratory infections, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, menstrual problems, burns, hair loss, and nervousness. Lavender has the following medicinal properties:

    • antiseptic
    • antifungal
    • analgesic
    • antitumeral
    • anticonvulsant
    • vasodilating
    • relxant
    • anti-inflammatory
    • reduces blood fat or cholesterol
    • combats sebum on the skin

    Lavender oil is essentially good for all skin types.  It has been known to help treat skin ailments such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, and is also useful against wrinkles.  Lavender is also used to help rapidly heal wounds, burns, cuts and sunburns.  Lavender oil is great for treating insect bites and repelling those pesky mosquitoes and moths.  Lavender can also be used to help induce sleep due to its calming properties. Therefore people who suffer from insomnia can get relief from diffusing Lavender oil at bedtime as well as using Lavender scented lotions or even drinking herbal tea with Lavender.  I think that is why I love using Lavender products so much.  Not only does it smell good, make my skin look beautiful, but it also helps to sooth and calm my inner spirit. Many people share my love for this oil and have devoted many books and websites to it.

    Disclaimer: The information above is for educational purposes only. As with any product caution must be taken. Please consult with a qualified professional before using.

  • An Easy Way to Greening Your Life

    Going Green really isn’t that hard to do.  There are so many changes you can make that are free or cost little money.  Just like any positive change you make in your life, baby steps are always the key.  This way you don’t get overwhelmed and can ensure better success at obtaining the goal….living a greener lifestyle.  I know you have probably heard of some or all of these suggestions before but I am going to list them here for just ideas. Remember 1 small change can make a huge impact.

    1. Become a “better aware consumer”
    2. Read labels 
    3. Stay away from certain chemicals and preservatives
    4. Buy Fair Trade Products
    5. Buy more Natural and Organic products from food to skincare and household cleaners
    6. Support your local farmers by buying local fruits, vegetables, eggs etc.
    7. Eat more fresh foods and stay away from pre-packaged, preservative laden foods
    8. Consider a products packaging before you buy….is it too much?
    9. Turn out lights that aren’t in use
    10. Do more laundry on the cold cycle
    11. Line dry your laundry outside
    12. Buy Eco friendly clothing…..it isn’t as expensive as you think
    13. Carpool more often
    14. Walk more often
    15. Make your own compost bin….it truly is simple
    16. Stop the junk mail
    17. Get your statements online
    18. Pay your bills online
    19. Turn the water off while brushing your teeth
    20. RECYCLE
    21. Buy a water filter whether its a pitcher, bottle, or system for your house
    22. Replace old appliances with more energy saving ones….energy star rated.
    23. Make your own household cleaners……I will be posting more in depth about this soon
    24. Collect rainwater to water your gardens and grass
    25. Plant trees
    26. Decorate your home with live plants….they help clean the air 
    27. Use up your scrap paper
    28. Unplug appliances that are not being used
    29. Cut back on drinking bottled water….buy a reusable water bottle with a filter instead
    30. Use re-usable shopping bags 
    31. Support Green businesses and organizations
    32. Read Green Books
    33. Use rechargeable batteries
    34. Use cloth towels to clean with not paper…you will be amazed at how much you will save
    35. Reuse old clothing for things such as cleaning rags
    36. Donate old clothing
    37. Buy an Eco friendly car
    38. Turn off your computer while sleeping
    39. Plant your own organic garden whether its large or a small container one
    40. Share your knowledge of a green lifestyle with others

    There are many, many more ways to go green and if you have any that are not listed feel free to put them in the comments.  

    Remember when replacing things such as household cleaners, skincare, cosmetics etc.  do so as you run out of that product.  This way it doesn’t hurt your pocketbook all at once and you have time to research available products near you.

    Living a greener lifestyle really is easy and makes so much sense.  Living Green brings you back to a much simpler way of life and is definitely worth it.

  • Ingredients 101: Phenoxyethanol

    Phenoxyethanol is one of those chemicals that when you look up the information about it, it makes you scratch your head and wonder why its even put into our products.  Phenoxyethanol can also be known as 


    It is turning up in everything, from cosmetics to baby products to insect repellents and even a lot of cosmetics that are considered a “greener” alternative.  This is partly due to the fact that as companies are moving away from the preservative parabens, they are turning to Phenoxyethanol. 

    So what exactly is Phenoxyethanol?  Phenoxyethanol is a glycol ether or a solvent.  It can be found in just about everything….dyes, inks, perfumes, skin care, paint, lacquer, baby wipes and can also be used as an insect repellent.  Phenoxyethanol is a preservative and is a better alternative to the formaldehyde releasing preservatives that have been used in the past, however it is still harmful to us.

    The MSDS or Material Safety Data Sheet for Phenoxyethanol is quite scary.  It is a skin and eye irritant and can be harmful if swallowed or inhaled.  It also states that it can cause reproductive damage.  Of course this is what the chemical can do at 100% concentration but even at smaller dosages it has been known to cause harm. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data sheet shows that Phenoxyethanol can cause genetic mutation, chromosomal changes, and reproductive interference in test rodents. It has also been linked to kidney and bladder damage. Japan has put a restriction on what concentrations of this chemical is used in their products.  The European Union has also classified this as a skin irritant.  Even the FDA has issued warnings about this chemical in the past.  I don’t know if any of you remember in 2008 the cream Mommy Bliss?  It was a cream that nursing mothers were using.  The FDA went so far as to warn that Phenoxyethanol can cause  vomiting, contact dermatitis, and even shut down of the central nervous system.

    I have been finding this ingredient a lot so please be sure to read the labels. I myself return the product back to the shelf even if all the other ingredients are stellar and on point. Which can be disappointing if you find something you really want to try.  Just because it is a replacement for parabens or past preservatives, doesn’t mean its any safer. 


  • Essential Oils, What Exactly Are They?

    Have you ever been out shopping looking for a new moisturizer, shampoo or conditioner and realized that you pick up everything to smell it?  I know I have.  I find myself picking up that jar or bottle of moisturizer to smell it before I even read what it’s for or what the ingredients are.  I know my nose has made many decisions for me when buying beauty and personal care products…..more times than I want to count. 

    Have you ever wondered what makes up those wonderful fragrances?  Are they pure oils from flowers or synthetic concoctions that companies produce to make their product more appealing?  Well I am starting a new series titled Essential Oils 101 where I will journey into the lovely, wonderful world of pure oils that not only smell incredible but are also beneficial to your skin, health and environment.  

    Essential Oils are the actual volatile compounds from plants that give plants their own distinctive scent. Because they contain no fatty acid they are not true oils as we would think in the traditional sense. Because essential oils are taken directly from the essence of the plant, they are very potent. You should think of essential oils or as I like to call them essence as being the immune system of the plant. They can help to protect a plant by keeping away predators or prey and they can attract pollinators.  When I think about all the plants that God placed on this planet, it amazes me that we have that many aromas.  Essential oils are distilled, expressed or extracted from the plants which can be a costly process. They are found in cosmetics, soaps, flavorings of food, incense etc. They should never be used alone on the skin. Most people use carrier oils or actual cream bases to create a mixture.   Down below is a list of Essential Oils. Because there are so many, I will be choosing an oil of the week to go more in depth and learn about it’s properties and how it can be used for healing and the environment.

    Essential Oils for Blemish Prone Skin:  Atlas Cedarwood, Bergamot, Cajeput, German Chamomile, Geranium, Grapefruit, Helichrysum,  Lavender, Lemongrass, Manuka, Niaouli, Palmarosa, Petitgrain, Peppermint, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Spike Lavender, Tea Tree, Thyme, Vetiver

    Essential Oils for Normal to Oily / Combo Skin: Australian Niaouli, Calendula, Chamomile, Carrot Seed, Geranium, Lavender, Linden Blossom,  Palmarosa, Rose, Rosemary

    Essential Oils For Aging/Maturing Skin: Carrot Seed, Cistus, Clary Sage, Cypress, Elemi, Fennel, Frankincense, Galbanum, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender, Linden Blossom, Myrrh, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose, Rosewood, Rose Hip Extract,  Sages, Sandalwood, Sea Buckthorn Berry Extract

    Essential Oils for Oily Skin: Atlas Cedarwood, Bay, Bergamot,  Cajeput, Calendula, Clary Sage, Coriander, Cypress, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Geranium, German Chamomile,  Juniper, Lavender, Lavandin, Lemon, Lemongrass, Linden Blossom, Melissa, Neroli, Niaouli, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Peppermint,  Roman Chamomile, Rose, Sandalwood,  Spike Lavender, Vetiver, Ylang-Ylang

    Essential Oils for Sensitive Prone Skin: Angelica, Carrot, Chamomile, German Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender, Palmarosa, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Rosewood

    As you can see, these are divided into skin type categories as the research I have done extensively on are based on skin types and skin care. However, we all know that essential oils also benefit the body and help with healing. We will dig deeper into each oil listed above as well as others and blends that are not listed for their healing properties and other uses. But as of now I have them listed and categorized for skin care. I will be posting at a later date how they work for each body system.  I know there are a lot more essential oils that can be used so please check back periodically as this list will be updated. 

    Now if you are wondering where coconut oil, safflower oil, jojoba oil, almond oil etc. are on this list,  well you won’t find them here.  These are considered Carrier Oils which form a base to use with essential oils.  I will post a list of these oils soon.

    Note: This list will be updated periodically so please check back for updates.

    Disclaimer: The informaion above is for educational purposes only. As with any skincare product caution must be taken. Please consult with a qualified aromatherapist before using.

  • Challenge: How much do you use in a day

    The other day as I was getting dressed I looked at my makeup vanity and noticed just how many products I had used putting on my makeup.  I was actually shocked as I tend to not wear very much makeup.  I decided to make a list and tally up the products I used during the day of personal care products. This was strictly personal use items. I have to say I was quite astonished.  You never think you use as much as you do.  Here are the results:                        

    Item Used and how many times item was used

    • Bath Soap     2                                                
    •  Shampoo       2                                                
    •  Conditioner   2                                              
    •  Facial Cleanser   2                                          
    •  Toner                  2                                                
    •  Eye Cream           2                                      
    •  Facial Moisturizer   2                      
    •   Body Lotion           2                                  
    •  Foundation             1                                      
    •   Powder                   1                                          
    •   Concealer               1                                              
    •   Eyeshadow            1                                          
    •  Mascara                 1                                          
    •   Eyeliner                 1                                            
    •   Blush                     1                                                
    •   Lipstick/gloss        5                                   
    •  Non Colored lip balm     5                        
    •  Hand Soap         Lost count                                  
    •  Toothpaste         3                                        
    •  Mouthwash         3                                            
    • Hand Lotion               Lost Count             
    • Deodorant          2                                            

    This tally doesn’t include the other types of products I come in contact with such as house cleaning products, laundry products, and dish products.

    I was shocked that just my morning routine consisted of 22 products.  Now here is the point I am wanting to make.  If you are using regular “non green” products that contain chemicals that are harmful for you, think of exactly how many chemicals you are coming in contact with and their concentrations per day.  You don’t use just one product daily.  You use several and each one of those products has a certain concentration of chemicals. You are actually getting a higher concentration of those chemicals than you may realize by using more than one product.  Scary when you think about it, I know.

    I am very thankful I have greened all of those products.  So here is a challenge.  Tally up all the products that you use throughout the day and use that list as your products to green first. Then as you purchase a more natural product you can cross it off your list.   It’s really simple and gives you a place to start. If you take the challenge share your results here in the comments!!

  • What Makes Up Our Products?

    Ingredients are very important when it comes to the products we use. What a product is made up of can seriously effect our health and the health of others in many ways.  I am listing here the ingredients that are used in many products that are hazardous to us.  Please feel free to print this out to use as a handy tool when you go shopping.

    Because this list is long, I have decided to choose an ingredient each week to go more in depth on. Please join me as we take a journey into Ingredients 101!

    • Parabens includes Methyl-, Ethyl-, Propyl-, Butyl-, Isobutyl-
    • Triethanolamine or TEA
    • Ceteareth
    • PEG’s includes Polyethylene Glycol, Isopropyl Alcohol, Butylene Glycol
    • Methylchloroisothiazolinone
    • Methylisothiazolinone
    • Idopropynyl Butylcarbamate
    • 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol or Bronopol
    • DMDM Hydantoin
    • BHA
    • Oxybenzone
    • Triclosan
    • Boric Acid and Sodium Borate
    • Phtalates
    • Toulene
    • 1,4-Dioxane
    • Formaldehyde
    • P-Phenylenediamine
    • Diethanolamine or DEA
    • Hydroquinone
    • Imidazolidinyl Urea
    • Diazolidinyl Urea
    • Phenoxyethanol
    • DBP
    • Mineral Oils such as Paraffin oil, Paraffin wax, Liquid Paraffin, Petrolatum
    • Nitosamines such as Cocamide DEH, Lauramide DEA, Cocamide MEA, TEA, DEA
    • Sodiul Maureth Sulfate or SLS
    • Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate or SLES
    • Bismuth Oxychloride
    • Nano Particles
    • Animal Fats such as Mink oil, Emu oil
    • BHT or Butylated Hydroxytoluene
    • Coal Tar
    • Placenta
    • Propylene Glycol
    • Methacrylate Monomers
    • Ethyl Acetate
    • Lead
    • Mercury
    • Synthetic Fragrance

    Note This list is forever changing and will be added to in the future.  Please check back periodically for updates.

  • Hello world!

    Has been a very long time since I have sat behind a computer to write a blog post. I started Project Going Green back in 2011. I was suffering from rosacea and was getting frustrated that the products I was buying was making it worse. So I embarked on a research journey. I found the most amazing website called Skin Deep that the Environmental Working Group is in charge of. It was here that I looked up every ingredient listed on my skin care bottles and was blown away. Know wonder I was having such problematic skin. I then went and looked at everything in my house….household cleaning products, soaps, lotions, even food and I realized how toxic everything I was consuming in a day was to not only my body and my health but also to the environment.

    So I took on a project…..a project to green everything in my house….hence the name Project Going Green. Life got in the way….my son had an accident and I went back to school for a degree I had always wanted and had put off the blog to raise my family so Project Going Green went on the back burner although I always knew one day I would revive it. So here I am….back with even more knowledge and even more products to try. I have also partnered with a health and wellness company and can’t wait to tell you about it.

    I will be posting reviews on products….personal care items, household items, books, websites, magazines, research, natural recipes and projects that my family takes on.  These reviews will be honest and may come from the viewpoints of not only me but my family.  I will also be introducing subjects such as Ingredients 101 in which I will talk about the ingredients that are in our products and if they are safe or not. Another subject I am excited to bring you is Essential Oils 101 where you will learn about each oil and how it is helpful to your health and how to use it. I can’t wait to review the oils I have found from an amazing Essential Oils Company. So lets roll up our sleeves and get started as there is much to cover. I hope you enjoy Project Going Green!  Please check back soon for new reviews and information that is helpful to not only you and your health but also to the environment.